Our Story

Allison and Ashley in a scrapbook-style image

Over the years, Allison and Ashley have been high school sweethearts, “just friends,” and happily pre-married wives. They've known each for more than a decade, and there are too many milestones to count—so here's a highlight reel of their time together.

One of these is fake.

  • September 2011

    Allison and Ashley meet for the first time

    Allison and Ashley meet for the first time at the beginning of their junior year at High Mowing School. They do not remember this very well. Neither of them particularly cared for the other for their first year or so of knowing each other.

  • January 2013

    Allison and Ash start dating

    After several months of increasingly obvious flirting, Allison and Ash, now seniors at High Mowing, start dating on January 26, 2013.

  • May 2013
    Off to college
    Off to college

    Allison and Ash graduate high school but stay together, certain that they are so in love that long distance won't be a problem. Ashley visits Allison in California for a week that summer, and in the fall they both go off to college: Allison to University of King's College in Canada, and Ashley at University of New Hampshire.

  • May 2014
    First summer together
    First summer together

    Their school years end, and Allison and Ash both head west to spend the summer together in California. But the dream can't last forever, and come August they're back east, separated again.

  • February 2015

    A broad abroad

    In early 2015, Ashley realizes it's time to get out of NH. She jets off even further east to spend a few months rambling around Europe.

  • April 2015

    It's over </3

    After a little over two years together that were mostly spent apart, and facing down the barrel of another two years before they'd live in the same place, Ashley and Allison decide it's time to call it quits.

  • May 2015

    Oops—Ash is still moving to California!

    But as it turns out—Ashley still moves to California as planned. Allison comes home for the summer, and they continue to hang out all the time (but it's totally platonic and they are NOT together).

  • August 2015

    We swear we’re just friends

    Ashley ends up as the general manager of a downtown Oakland cafe, and Allison finishes out her degree. They still talk online.... every day.

  • May 2017
    Allison graduates
    Allison graduates

    Allison graduates and moves back home. They now live in the same place! But nothing happens. They're Just Friends!!

  • March 2018
    A broad abroad 2
    A broad abroad 2

    Allison takes off for a couple of months to go on her own European adventure. She realizes there, with the help of a good friend from college, what many people apparently already knew: she and Ashley might not be "just friends."

  • June 2018
    ayooooooo we're back babyyy!!!!
    ayooooooo we're back babyyy!!!!

    Things come to a head, and they can't deny it any longer. On June 3, 2018, Allison and Ashley start dating (again).

  • January 2020
    Their first apartment
    Their first apartment

    Allison gets tired of lugging her stuff to Ash's studio apartment in a backpack and they move in together! Their place is a cool, if cave-like, warehouse space in West Oakland sandwiched between a truck depot and a recycling plant.

  • July 2020
    Allison gives birth to their son Apollo
    Allison gives birth to their son Apollo

    Their already sizable menagerie (2 cats and 2 rats) grows by one: they bring home little Apollo, not realizing he will sprout into 85-pounds of muscular, strong, and energetic beast.

  • October 2021
    The big move
    The big move

    2020 shakes everything up and Ash and Allison start feeling restless. They look north to Seattle where there are friends, family, and also real seasons. Leaving the Bay behind, they head to Seattle for a new adventure.

  • February 2023
    They're gonna get married!
    They're gonna get married!

    After ten long years they book a venue and (finally) start planning their highly anticipated wedding.